Drumroll for the return of La Cabra! The Danish roaster is spreading the Nordic coffee experience around the world, one seasonal selection at a time. This week’s drop is a bright, peachy treat: Kenya Kiringa! Famed for their incredible Burundian coffees, the Long Miles Coffee Project is now making in-roads into Kenya: refurbishing coffee stations and helping local farmers showcase their work with high quality microlots. This coffee comes from Kirinyaga, located on the edge of Mount Kenya Forest, and it’s popping with bright stone fruit notes. We tasted peaches, nectarine, and apricot, with a light, creamy body, and a sparkling lime acidity.

Kenya Kiringa

🌍 Origin: Kirinyaga, Kenya
💦 Process: Washed
🔬 Varietal: SL28, Ruiru 11
⛰ Elevation: 1,700 MASL

Pour-Over Recipe

(3:30 Total Brew Time)
Dose: 25g
H20: 350g
Temp: 205 F
Grind setting: Medium