Here's how we brew Southern Weather Extractions, Onyx’s foundational blend of bright and juicy Ethiopian and Colombian coffees!

Brew Recipes for Onyx Extractions - Southern Weather

Hot Recipe


1 oz Extractions 6-8 oz of water 205°F


1. Measure 1 oz (approximately 29-30g) of Onyx Extractions

Measure 1 oz or 29-30g of Onyx Extractions.

2. Measure + fill glass with hot water, 6-8 oz

Your target weight is 6-8 oz of hot water (approximately 170-230g). Stick to 6 oz for a more concentrated cup, and use more water (up to 8 oz) to create a more mellow cup.

3. Pour Onyx Extractions into the hot water + stir.

Make sure to mix well!

5. Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!

We suggest a Carter Move to keep your delicious Extractions coffee hot on the go!

Iced Recipe


1 oz Extractions 6-8 oz of ice water


1. Measure 1 oz (approximately 29-30g) of Onyx Extractions

Measure 1 oz or 29-30g of Onyx Extractions.

2. Measure + fill glass with ice water, approximately 70 percent water and 30 percent ice

Your target weight is 6-8 oz of ice water (approximately 170-230g). You’ll want to use a little more water than ice.

3. Pour Onyx Extractions into the ice water + stir.

Make sure to mix well!

5. Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!

We suggest a Carter Cold to keep your delicious Extractions iced coffee cold on the go!