The foothills of the Poas Volcano is home to one of the most famous micro-mills in Costa Rica, Las Lajas! This coffee went through their unique “Perla Negra” process: a slower and more labor intensive natural processing, preserving the coffee’s richness and brightness. 

New York-based Flux Coffee has made their Las Lajas roast a holiday tradition, the sweet and smooth remedy to all family drama. To us, it tasted like a box of Queen Anne Cherries. Expect notes of berry punch, semisweet chocolate, apricot, and hibiscus tea, with a light body and a lemon finish.

Costa Rica Las Lajas Perla Negra

🌎 Origin: Alajuela, Central Valley, Costa Rica
🌞 Process: Natural “Perla Negra”
🔬 Varietal: Catuai, Caturra
⛰ Elevation: 1,400 - 1,600 MASL

Brew Recipe for Pour-Over

Using Stagg [X] Dripper


22.5g of Costa Rica Las Lajas Perla Negra by Flux Coffee to make 350g of coffee.


1. Measure and grind coffee

Measure out 22.5g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium to medium-coarse setting. We used setting 4.2 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs, which is about 3.2 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs, or setting 5.2 on Ode with SSP Burrs.

2. Heat water and rinse filter

Heat water to 205°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in. 

3. Pour 45g for the bloom

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with twice as much water as coffee, and allow about 35 seconds for the bloom.

4. Continue pouring in 3 stages

After the bloom, pour to 105g, then 220g, and finish at 350g. The total brew time should be about 3:30 mins.

5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy! 

We found this coffee to be super expressive, interesting, and, in the words of Flux: it slaps!