This is a real showstopper—a rare process coffee, bursting with candy-sweet berries—Java Argopuro Natural Lactic by Equator! Equator sourced this coffee through Belift Green Beans, an organization seeking to redefine Indonesian specialty coffee and spotlight bold, experimental producers. Rather than the region’s typical wet hull processing, this coffee went through a “natural lactic” process. It was fermented in a mixture of cascara and brown sugar before drying, bringing out a cocktail of deep fruity notes. We tasted cherry, red starburst and raspberry frozen yogurt, before it cooled to reveal a rich macadamia note. A stunner!

Java Argopuro Natural Lactic

🌏 Origin: Argopuro, East Java, Indonesia
⚗️ Process: Natural Lactic
🔬 Varietal: Arabica USDA762, Lini S795, S288, Cobra
⛰ Elevation: 1,000-1,200 MASL

Pour-Over Recipe

(~3:30 Total Brew Time)
Dose: 22g
H20: 350g
Temp: 205 F
Grind setting: Medium-Fine